We are an artistic collective consisting of Wen Chen (TW/ UK), Sonjoi Nielsen (CH), Andreas Fürer (CH), Stanimir Stoyanov (BG/ UK) & Maren Bang (NO/ NL). Meeting for the first time in Tallinn as part of a residency orchestrated by De Strucura.
This project merges the realms of contemporary philosophy and art through an experimental and ever-evolving model of research, creation and presentation. The project works with non- (or perhaps rather hyper-) locality as a starting point for curation and presentation, exploring landscapes in a flux.
Through an interpretation of the rhizome as described by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Hyper.LLC is an ever-evolving process of interconnectivity which becomes apparent both through the collective internal structure and format, and in the execution of the non-local exhibitions at a variation of hyper-locations. The concept is based on an idea of a range of exhibitions which are connected in a nonconventional way - tied together through their shared dissonance rather than a geographical or thematic common ground.